10 Budget-Friendly Travel Ideas

10 Budget-Friendly Travel Ideas

There are many inexpensive vacation destinations around the world, and finding them doesn't take much work. There are always cities to explore on a budget no matter where you are on the planet - even destinations we consider to be pricey may be fairly affordable if…

10 Exciting Ways To Take Your Exercise

10 Exciting Ways To Take Your Exercise

Have you done your keep-fit routine yet today? It can be somewhat of a bore, forcing yourself through the same exercises or jogging circuits every day, so why not bring in some fun and variation? Here are 10 refreshingly different ways to exercise that will get…

25 Dream Destinations for Your First Post-COVID Vacation

25 Dream Destinations for Your First Post-COVID Vacation

After nearly 16 months of lockdown, world travel is starting to seem more realistic. And as the curve begins to flatten and some normalcy can be seen over the horizon, here are some ideas to curb your post-pandemic travelling itch.…

15 Small Ways You Can Start Taking Care of Yourself

15 Small Ways You Can Start Taking Care of Yourself

According to the latest statistics released by the World health organization, depression rates have been increasingly rising over the last few years. Today, there are more people unsatisfied and unhappy with their lives than ever before. Numerous…

"Skinny isn’t always fit". 32 ways to live a healthy and fit life.

"Skinny isn’t always fit". 32 ways to live a healthy and fit life.

“You would look so much nicer if you were skinny” “Are you sure you wanna wear that?” “No, you are not fat! You look beautiful!” These are one of the very few comments (out of million others), women with unconventional body types…

5 Current Trends in Healthcare to Keep an Eye Out For

5 Current Trends in Healthcare to Keep an Eye Out For

The healthcare industry continues to evolve and innovate as it meets new challenges. Unprecedented events, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, have largely reshaped the world’s healthcare systems, highlighting vulnerabilities that have made an impact…



Abdominal fat is not just a hassle that makes you feel and look fat. It's incredibly harmful. Most health organizations utilize BMI (Body Mass Index) to categorize weight and determine the risk of metabolic illnesses. Here we'll cover everything you need to know about abdominal…

An Absolute Beginner’s Guide to Running

An Absolute Beginner’s Guide to Running

Running is one of the best exercises for long-term health, and can even help to reduce the risk of several serious health conditions, including heart disease. If you’re used to living a sedentary lifestyle and haven’t exercised in a long time, the thought of…

Bad Fats that Thin out Brain Cells. Why They Should be avoided

Bad Fats that Thin out Brain Cells. Why They Should be avoided

anything feel free to get in touch here rachelbeest101 at gmail dot com Fat content in daily dietary intake is significant when taken in the right proportion and healthier when people avoid the bad fats. Fats play essential roles in our…

Blue light filtering for healthy eyes

Blue light filtering for healthy eyes

Most of us can't live without our phones, tablets, gaming system, television, among other devices. Some people can go hours on end glued to the screen, not knowing that their source of entertainment or work can harm their health. To be specific, the blue light…

Body Positivity and its Powerful Impact on Obesity

Body Positivity and its Powerful Impact on Obesity

Body positivity – a 21st-century movement ignited to inflame society’s feelings towards the current unrealistic world of beauty. The movement has burnt the media & beauty industry and forced it to rebuild its core beliefs. This is to be more…

Body Weight Training. Exercises Anybody Can Do

Body Weight Training. Exercises Anybody Can Do

Every one of us wants to be in good shape. Our body needs to have regular exercise to become physically fit. According to the ACSM, statistics show that bodyweight training is still one of the hottest trends in the industry of fitness today. In this…

Consumer trends, from big to small

Consumer trends, from big to small

When you talk about trends, you are stepping into a minefield of confusion. Are you talking about the ascent of China's economy, the following famous digital device? or the next breakout color? Today we will be talking about consumer trends: from big to small…

Conscious Breathing for Mental Health

Conscious Breathing for Mental Health

Diaphragmatic breathing exercises can improve your breathing and strengthen your diaphragm. But they can also reduce reflux and also boost your mental health. When you do them correctly, you can manage the very chemistry of your body. This is, in essence, what…

Cosmetic Concoctions and their not so Beautiful World

Cosmetic Concoctions and their not so Beautiful World

Most people that we know have a daily cosmetic routine. This results in the build-up of products on our delicate skin. Many of us go from working up a light lather of soap and facial cleanser in the shower to the massaging of serums in the mirror…

Cultivating A Good Mindset

Cultivating A Good Mindset

Cultivating a good mindset and a positive thinking mentality are popular life concepts, although sometimes they are clich é . However, numerous studies clearly outline the mental and physical benefits of positive thinking, reducing stress levels, and good health. Ideally…

Dealing With Back Pain Back Pain Relief

Dealing With Back Pain Back Pain Relief

Most people suffering from back pain often develop the condition due to sports or work-related injuries, common injuries, illness, or poor body posture. The experience can be debilitating and persistent or intermittent with temporary periods of relief…

Dispelling 5-10 of the Most Common Health Myths in the Society

Dispelling 5-10 of the Most Common Health Myths in the Society

Myths refer to firm beliefs in the society, which are preserved and continued by telling and retelling. Health myths are, therefore, health-related beliefs firmly held in the community. They are usually passed from generation to…

Do Multivitamins Really Work?

Do Multivitamins Really Work?

Multivitamins are pills, powders, pastilles, liquids, injectables, etc., intended to function as dietary supplements by providing consumers with vitamins, dietary minerals, and other nutritional elements. They are recognized by the UN's authority on food standards as a…

Faced With Stress? Try Face Yoga

Faced With Stress? Try Face Yoga

In the never-ending quest to age gracefully and project inner peace, most people are looking for natural, inexpensive options that'll assist them to feel and look better. One of the best ways to achieve this is by doing face yoga. Face yoga comprises exercises and…

Finding the Gym That Is Right For You

Finding the Gym That Is Right For You

Maybe you have been working out at the same gym for months or even years and want to shake things up a bit with a change of scenery. Or perhaps you’ve never been to a gym before in your life and don’t know where to start. Regardless of what your particular…

Flexitarian Diet for the Flexible Vegetarian

Flexitarian Diet for the Flexible Vegetarian

Persons susceptible to type 2 diabetes Who should do this diet? When you mention the flexitarian diet, Dawn Jackson Blatner comes to mind. As a nutritionist, he created the flexitarian diet to be less rigorous than other vegan diets. Flexitarian nutrition…

Going Gluten-Free and The Ugly Truth

Going Gluten-Free and The Ugly Truth

This ultimate guide contains all the benefits and risks when deciding whether to go gluten-free or not. Gluten – the latest dietary hype, but what’s all the fuss about? In recent years, more and more people have voluntarily avoided gluten. But all in the absence…

Good Nutrition An elixir of health and lifelong immunity!

Good Nutrition An elixir of health and lifelong immunity!

The immune system is doing an essential job, protecting our body from attacks by microorganisms that cause various diseases. However, it sometimes fails, and germs invade and manage to weaken our body ultimately. Is it possible to intervene…

Healthy Eating on a Tight Budget

Healthy Eating on a Tight Budget

It's one thing to eat healthy on a budget, but can you serve your family food they'll eat and love, even if you feel like Mother Hubbard and the wallet is full of cobwebs? It's not an easy task. When it comes to impacts of food consumption, you require some…

Hearing Protection Tips

Hearing Protection Tips

Hearing is a valuable asset; therefore, it's vital to take great care of your ears and hearing because any damage to your auditory system may be irreversible. Practicing proper hearing protection or habits will help protect you from challenges, just like sunscreen protects…

Here's How to Properly Take Care of Your Ears and Your Hearing Health

Here's How to Properly Take Care of Your Ears and Your Hearing Health

The ears are among the noticeable parts of the hearing system; they are the most visible. Properly taking care of them is vital in multiple ways. The first step is cleaning them, then preventing them from having infections. Lastly…

Holistic Solutions for a Resilient Immune System

Holistic Solutions for a Resilient Immune System

How the Pandemic Helped Us Pay Attention to Our Immune Systems The immune system is an essential network of organs that perform a critical job of keeping us healthy & well daily. An immune system functioning at maximum capacity will prevent germs from…

How do Women Really Get Abs? Everything You Need to Know

How do Women Really Get Abs? Everything You Need to Know

You probably already have abs. And if you are one of those active people that kind of works out and eats well, you probably have some perfect abs. So why is it that those sweet sexy abdominals are not showing? Well, my dear, it is because…

How to Build a Resilient Immune System

How to Build a Resilient Immune System

Major health challenges that the world faced recently have drawn more awareness to the importance of immunity. Today, more people are concerned about their immune health and actively find ways to boost immunity. In fact, a DSM Immunity Report shows that 65% of…

How to Cope With Stress When Caring for Elderly Parents

How to Cope With Stress When Caring for Elderly Parents

Caregivers are individuals that take care of injured, ill, or disabled individuals. While doing this can be rewarding, it's also quite challenging and, at times, even stressful. Caregiver stress often affects men more than women and could…

How to Create a Healthy Work Setup for Remote Working or Gaming

How to Create a Healthy Work Setup for Remote Working or Gaming

You might be working from the comfort of your home longer than you intended, and most of you may be experiencing back problems and long-term repercussions. Even though you left your widescreen monitor and standing desk at work, you can…

How to Develop an Effective Sleep Hygiene

How to Develop an Effective Sleep Hygiene

If you want to improve your quality of life and feel better, getting adequate sleep is crucial for excellent health; the body tends to heal, restore, and recharge itself. Having a relaxing bedroom environment and a set of proper sleep hygiene habits can help…

How to Eat Healthy Even While Working from Home

How to Eat Healthy Even While Working from Home

Working from home might be appealing, but it has its drawbacks as well. Coming from a backdrop year of pandemic, many people had to self-isolate and work from home. It's hard to keep your nutrition in check when your office is still your home. We all…

How to Make the Most Out of Your at Home Work Out

How to Make the Most Out of Your at Home Work Out

Exercise has become an essential need for any human being to function correctly. However, the Covid 19 pandemic changed a lot of things. One of the effects was the need for social distance and lockdown. Due to the government directives, most places…

How to Personalize Your Plate

How to Personalize Your Plate

When it comes to healthy eating, most people get confused by the concept. Does it mean eating only healthy foods? Or removing bad' foods from your diet altogether? Or depriving yourself of some foods? In summary, what is the meaning of a healthy diet without depriving…

How to Prepare for Remote Doctor's Consultations

How to Prepare for Remote Doctor's Consultations

A remote doctor visit is a virtual consultation that requires Internet access and a PC or smartphone. During the coronavirus pandemic, telemedicine became an essential tool for doctors to help sick people. And today, many apps and websites offer…

How to Prepare Meals for a Balanced Diet

How to Prepare Meals for a Balanced Diet

What is a healthy balanced diet, and how can you make it a regular part of your life? Does this mean that you’ll have to eat vegetables every single day? If you’re confused because of all the different information you hear and read, we’re here to make things…

How to Start Eating Less Meat

How to Start Eating Less Meat

As more and more people become aware of the impact that food has on our health, there must have been a moment where you questioned if you should eat less meat. Plant-based diets may have been seen as bland and very limited, but as the stigma of vegetarianism breaks…

How to Use Adaptogens to Manage Stress

How to Use Adaptogens to Manage Stress

Stress can be referred to as a feeling of physical or emotional tension. The feeling could be caused by various events and situations that make you nervous, angry, or frustrated. It's your body's physical or emotional reaction to a demand or challenge. Stress…

How What You Eat Affects Your Skin

How What You Eat Affects Your Skin

You know what they say- you are what you eat! Therefore, your diet has an influence on your overall health, including the quality of your skin. Since your skin is the first thing people notice when they see you, it’s only understandable that you want it to be at…

Immunity-Boosting Ingredients You Should Include in Your Diet Now

Immunity-Boosting Ingredients You Should Include in Your Diet Now

Lending your immune system a helping hand is now more critical than ever. As the world is fighting one of the most significant pandemics of all time, taking care of your health should be your top priority. And what better way to…

Impact of Food Consumption on the Environment

Impact of Food Consumption on the Environment

In recent decades, the environmental repercussions of food consumption and production have attracted much interest. Everyone often has an environmental impact in aspects that you are unaware of. Food intake is one of the most significant contributors to…

Is eating alone bad for your health.

Is eating alone bad for your health.

One of the newest cultural trends, as per the moment, is savoring the pleasure that comes along with solitude. It's not just about going alone for shopping, going to the cinema, or living alone. This solo culture is pervading all spheres of life without the…

Lifestyle Diseases | What Are They and How to Prevent them?

Lifestyle Diseases | What Are They and How to Prevent them?

“You are what you eat” is a popular assumption made by the masses. Jokes can be made that those who love a particular type of food may be “made” of such. Seemingly cute sayings like this are not fact-based, nor can it be made of something…

Mocktails. Benefits and How to Make Your Own

Mocktails. Benefits and How to Make Your Own

If you are thinking about finding out how to make mocktails, the good news is that it is pretty easy to make one. As a matter of fact, you won't have to read a long manual for knowing how. You just need to have the right ingredients and follow a few…

Must-Have Fitness Equipment at Home

Must-Have Fitness Equipment at Home

With the pandemic still at large, people are not yet comfortable going back to the gym or having trainers come to their homes. Yet, this is not the only way to achieve your fitness objectives. While you might not have access to fancy cardio machines anymore, this…

Personalization‌ ‌in‌ ‌Health‌ ‌and‌ ‌Wellness‌

Personalization‌ ‌in‌ ‌Health‌ ‌and‌ ‌Wellness‌

e a health freak as much as we are, you’re always trying to find the best ways to take care of yourself. But is what you’re doing enough, and is there a way to get away from the one-size-fits-all approach of medical professionals? Technology is always…

Post-pandemic Lifestyle and Eating Habits

Post-pandemic Lifestyle and Eating Habits

The Covid-19 pandemic has shown the fragilities of the world's food supply during global epidemics. For most people, it was their first-time lacking food and products in supermarkets and stores. Shelves were empty, and the possibility of some families going…

Putting the Spotlight on Mental Health

Putting the Spotlight on Mental Health

Why has mental health become such a trending topic wherever you turn? Ever since the pandemic started, people have had a little extra time to sit down and reflect, and many were hit by significant issues in their lives that are hard to deal with. Going through…

Setting a Nightly Routine for Quality Sleep

Setting a Nightly Routine for Quality Sleep

Getting quality sleep is a real struggle for everyone. When was the last time you had a good night's sleep? Well, if you're currently reading this article, you probably haven't had a quality sleep in a month or two. It takes you more than 30 minutes before…

Staying Healthy While Working from Home

Staying Healthy While Working from Home

Working from home has become a common thing, especially during this pandemic period. Those who got lucky to avoid the axe at work were forced to carry out their jobs at home. Of course, some were already familiar with working at home. The change in routine was…

Stretching Exercises to Relieve Stress

Stretching Exercises to Relieve Stress

Stretching constantly has a lot of physical, emotional, and mental health benefits. Most people understand that stretching is only necessary when working out. On the contrary, stretching daily, regardless of whether you exercise, makes a huge impact. A lot of…

Sustainable Eating, Dressing, Shopping Habits to Develop

Sustainable Eating, Dressing, Shopping Habits to Develop

Although the first Earth Day was celebrated in 1970, environmental consciousness has gained more momentum in the past decades, as nations and people groups experience the effects of climate change and pollution. With the global population…

Taking Pre-Workout to Boost Your Workout. Is it effective or not?

Taking Pre-Workout to Boost Your Workout. Is it effective or not?

Pre-workout is a caffeinated supplement designed to give workout enthusiasts an extra energy boost during their gym sessions. The supplement offers gym-goers the stamina to endure longer workout sessions and reps with intensity. Pre…

The Best Morning Routine to Kick-start Your Day

The Best Morning Routine to Kick-start Your Day

Productivity is a wish for every single person. How an individual arises in the morning - tired, energetic, focused, or confused - has a great command of the degree of productivity the person will have on any given day. Most productive people stick to…

The Best Times to Go Running

The Best Times to Go Running

If you have a daily running routine or are thinking of starting one, don’t let it rule your life. Make the most of its wonderful flexibility. Unlike many other keep-fit methods, jogging can be done just about anywhere, anytime, and when you adjust your exercise times for…

The Best Workouts for Strengthening and Toning Legs

The Best Workouts for Strengthening and Toning Legs

Importance of strengthening the lower body The lower human body is the base of support as you run, walk or jump. It would be a loss if you only concentrate on the upper body when working out, remember the largest muscles in your body are found in…

The Exercise Regimen for Seniors

The Exercise Regimen for Seniors

Seniors today are more active than ever. No matter your age, exercising is good for you. It's never too late to begin, but how do you start? Today we will focus on ways seniors can get fit and limber. But before we get to that, it's essential to understand the…

The Growing Popularity of the Mediterranean Diet

The Growing Popularity of the Mediterranean Diet

When people think of the word � diet' these days, they imagine a restriction aimed at helping them lose weight. The Mediterranean diet, however, is further from that. Mediterranean recipes are loaded with healthy fats, fruits, and vegetables, which…

The Happiness Challenge. Finding the Positives Out of Every Day

The Happiness Challenge. Finding the Positives Out of Every Day

Although we all tend to have an emotional state characterized by feelings of satisfaction, fulfillment, contentment, and joy - sometimes happiness might sound like an impossible goal - especially in today's digital and fast paced world…

The Highs and Lows of a DASH diet

The Highs and Lows of a DASH diet

DASH diet stands for the Dietary approach to stop hypertension. It emphasizes foods like vegetables, fruits, and grains rich in protein, fiber, potassium, and calcium. DASH diet discourages sugar beverages and sweets, oils, fatty meat, all-fat dairy food, and…

The Impact of Nutrition on Your Fitness Journey

The Impact of Nutrition on Your Fitness Journey

A healthy lifestyle is a necessity for everyone who knows its significance in enhancing the body's efficiency. Eating nutritious food and engaging in physical exercises are the most reliable ways to achieve good health. Such activities require an…

The Importance of Sustainable Nutrition

The Importance of Sustainable Nutrition

For the last half a century, science and technology development and their use in agriculture have been recognized as an essential agent for global food security and meeting the nutritional needs of a growing world population. However, environmental degradation…

The List Of Skincare Essentials That Will Protect You

The List Of Skincare Essentials That Will Protect You

Holistic beauty is like a picture puzzle, and without the complete piece, the puzzle remains disjointed. Many components need to be considered when a woman wants to start or level up her skincare routine. The ingredients employed in maintaining…

The Rise of the Probiotics

The Rise of the Probiotics

Are probiotics good for you? By 2025, the global probiotics market is expected to reach USD 77.09 billion. Growing awareness of preventive health care is among the major factors increasing demand worldwide. Bacteria are generally viewed negatively, but not all bacteria are…

The 10 benefits of meditation

The 10 benefits of meditation

What is meditation? Meditation has been around for centuries, and its popularity has risen exponentially in recent years, as people realize the benefits of this practice. Meditation is defined as a mental exercise used to train the mind and body. It's usually done by…

The Whats, Whens, and Hows of Calorie Counting

The Whats, Whens, and Hows of Calorie Counting

Counting calories encourages individuals to become more aware of what foods they consume when they overeat and where they go wrong. Calories are a unit of measurement for the energy input in beverages or foods. When you consume more calories than you…

Using Hybrid Bikes for Fitness

Using Hybrid Bikes for Fitness

Bike riding is fun, but more importantly, it involves exercise that helps the rider keep fit. If a study on the best fitness bikes is done, conclusions would indicate that most people prefer hybrid bikes, BUT what is the secret behind their popularity? Hybrid Bikes…

Ways to Practice Mindful Eating

Ways to Practice Mindful Eating

Mindfulness is not only a popular way of calming but also a technique of changing unbecoming eating misbehaviors. The Zen Buddhism-based practice is being included in most behavior change rehab programs in coordination with other methods. That said, mindful eating…

Why Slow Fashion is on the Fast Track

Why Slow Fashion is on the Fast Track

Slow fashion is a popular response to fast fashion. It's deliberate, thoughtful, and all-encompassing. The brands seek to minimize the amount of fabric waste in landfills by using slower production cycles, zero waste designs, and a few batch collections. It…

How to Take Care of Your Mental Health (with a WFH setup)

How to Take Care of Your Mental Health (with a WFH setup)

For everyone, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused major life adjustments, including learning new methods of working. Remote working has a lot of advantages: No commute Greater flexibility throughout your workday Healthier meals at home rather…