
15 Small Ways You Can Start Taking Care of Yourself

15 Small Ways You Can Start Taking Care of Yourself

According to the latest statistics released by the World health organization, depression rates have been increasingly rising over the last few years. Today, there are more people unsatisfied and unhappy with their lives than ever before. Numerous…

"Skinny isn’t always fit". 32 ways to live a healthy and fit life.

"Skinny isn’t always fit". 32 ways to live a healthy and fit life.

“You would look so much nicer if you were skinny” “Are you sure you wanna wear that?” “No, you are not fat! You look beautiful!” These are one of the very few comments (out of million others), women with unconventional body types…

5 Current Trends in Healthcare to Keep an Eye Out For

5 Current Trends in Healthcare to Keep an Eye Out For

The healthcare industry continues to evolve and innovate as it meets new challenges. Unprecedented events, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, have largely reshaped the world’s healthcare systems, highlighting vulnerabilities that have made an impact…



Abdominal fat is not just a hassle that makes you feel and look fat. It's incredibly harmful. Most health organizations utilize BMI (Body Mass Index) to categorize weight and determine the risk of metabolic illnesses. Here we'll cover everything you need to know about abdominal…

Bad Fats that Thin out Brain Cells. Why They Should be avoided

Bad Fats that Thin out Brain Cells. Why They Should be avoided

anything feel free to get in touch here rachelbeest101 at gmail dot com Fat content in daily dietary intake is significant when taken in the right proportion and healthier when people avoid the bad fats. Fats play essential roles in our…

Blue light filtering for healthy eyes

Blue light filtering for healthy eyes

Most of us can't live without our phones, tablets, gaming system, television, among other devices. Some people can go hours on end glued to the screen, not knowing that their source of entertainment or work can harm their health. To be specific, the blue light…

Body Positivity and its Powerful Impact on Obesity

Body Positivity and its Powerful Impact on Obesity

Body positivity – a 21st-century movement ignited to inflame society’s feelings towards the current unrealistic world of beauty. The movement has burnt the media & beauty industry and forced it to rebuild its core beliefs. This is to be more…

Conscious Breathing for Mental Health

Conscious Breathing for Mental Health

Diaphragmatic breathing exercises can improve your breathing and strengthen your diaphragm. But they can also reduce reflux and also boost your mental health. When you do them correctly, you can manage the very chemistry of your body. This is, in essence, what…

Cosmetic Concoctions and their not so Beautiful World

Cosmetic Concoctions and their not so Beautiful World

Most people that we know have a daily cosmetic routine. This results in the build-up of products on our delicate skin. Many of us go from working up a light lather of soap and facial cleanser in the shower to the massaging of serums in the mirror…